
Giving you the Bodacity to love yourself unconditionally.

Body+Mind+Spirit=the triad of vibrant health

Remove energetic and emotional blockages and increase deeper self awareness to find empowerment and happiness through connecting your mind, body, and soul. Based heavily in Ayurevda, Chinese medicine, Osteopathy, and Naturopathy, this advanced energy medicine fuses ancient healing arts, quantum physics, and modern science and uses dialogue, bodywork, nutrition, movement, intention and love to bring you back to a state of vitality.

Watch your relationships mend, your triggers dissolve, your business boom, your body heal itself, and your dreams manifest when you commit to the process of finding self love and discovery.

Creating this level of change requires a minimum 3 month investment in yourself. I'm ready if you are!

4 Pillars of Polarity Therapy:

The 4 pillars used in polarity are exceptional for treating trauma that’s been trapped in our body and running amuck in our minds without asking you to re experience it. If you’ve been afraid to go into your shadows, this is the most gentle and profound way to find your light. All it asks of you is to stay curious and committed to yourself.


Every session involves dialogue over your intentions, needs, and desires. Together, we will curiously explore your inner world and meet you  where you’re at while gently nudging you to your edges. 


Intended to support you energetically and to nourish your own constitution, I make suggestions based on ayurveda and modern functional medicine. (Not intended to treat conditions or substitute for medical advice)


Polarity Yoga offers you a way to work deeply with your own patterns of energy blockage and imbalance. We may move through poses in session or you will be given some to do at home.


We use a blend of methods based heavily on chinese medicine, ayurveda, naturopathy, and more. Each touch is purposeful in helping to expand, disperse, direct, or quiet your energy at each pole. Every session feels different as it is guided by intention and intuition.

Surrender and trust that the universe

is working through me to bring you

closer to happiness and wholeness.